because a piece of art in one of their exhibits offended him. And by close the museum, I mean he wanted to terminate their lease and close the museum permanently. That attempt itself was a bit of political theater. I don’t think he had a chance of ever succeeding. Anyway, the piece that offended him was of the Virgin Mary. Here’s a brief summary of that incident if you’re interested in knowing more about it:
I remember the hoopla about Scorsese’s Last Temptation of Christ too and that many of the protesters had not seen the movie.
My personal bottom line on this is that people have the right to protest but the art has the right to exist and be seen. And I’m going to take your protest more seriously if you’ve actually seen/read the thing you’re protesting and can have an informed discussion about it.
ETA: Yes to being able to admit you were wrong or made a mistake. I don’t understand why that’s so hard for many people.