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I don't know that he would have done jail time anyway.

From: K_StillNotOver2016 Find all posts by K_StillNotOver2016 Send private message to K_StillNotOver2016
Date: Fri, 12-Jul-2024 8:06:43 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: Thursday-**Friday~**Weekend Chat Post posted by Leia
In reply to: I have a LOT of feelings about this whole debacle... posted by Wahoo
That being said...though it may not be the case, it absolutely feels to me like AB is going to avoid jail time because of his celebrity.

I don't know that he would have been charged if he weren't a celebrity. There has been so much messiness about this case, from the prosecution, that it definitely started to feel like the goal was less about getting justice and more about making a name for themselves. Especially once it was dropped and picked up again.

But I'm not sure he would have done jail time. A 4th degree felony, which is what this charge was, carries up to 18 months in jail. I'm not an AZ legal expert but I don't see anywhere that 18 months is mandatory.

could be found guilty in the death of Greyson Yoe, how can AB be innocent of any criminal charges when he both pulled the trigger and was in charge of the overall safety on the set?

Different states have different laws but I looked up the Yoe case and it seems like there was a lot more direct evidence of outright incompetence or malfeasance. The inspectors ignored multiple obvious violations. They even left, came back and noticed their recommended changes hadn't been made, left and came back again--only to take the fair operator's word that their recommendations had been followed. The fair owners knowingly hired an unlicensed electrician to save money. They also later 'misplaced' the paperwork.

So it was a situation where the experts failed to do their job, an owner hired unlicensed people to save money, there had been multiple reports of people getting electrocuted throughout the day (but nothing serious) on that ride which were ignored, and then people tried to cover it up.

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