SoapZone Community Message Board


Yeah! We're getting the band back together!!! :P

From: Tanya24 Find all posts by Tanya24 Send private message to Tanya24
Date: Fri, 24-May-2024 9:54:47 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🌷 Thursday*~*Friday*~^Weekend Chat Post ☀️ posted by Leia
In reply to: Yay--glad the browser trick is working. posted by Jenners97
FYI: for those who are using a Chromebook try downloading FireFox and coming back in. That's what worked for me.

I started back when I was watching Port Charles so...97/98? I was the most active there but eventually wandered over to the community board and other places.

I'm not a super active poster, I wasn't kidding when I said nobody probably noticed I was gone (LMAO) but I always enjoyed reading the post and occasionally chiming in. I loved the TV post of Angel, Lost, Once Upon a Time and Supernatural--up to a point (stares at Wahoo :P) and a few more.

I remember the hyperfictions, the chat rooms were hilarious and the fan fiction page *chef kiss* I miss the fan fiction page. We had some fantastic writers amongst us.

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