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Anybody else ever walk into Whole Foods, see the prices, think about

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Wed, 15-May-2024 9:15:01 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ~*~*~It's the Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday PP! ~*~*~ posted by Wahoo
their commercial touting "so many ways to save" and laugh and laugh? My way of saving money at Whole Foods: shop there infrequently and buy as little as possible. I wouldn't go there at ALL except a) they're the only store near me that carries canned pinto beans with NO salt added (not just "lower" or "less" sodium; products like that usually have a TON of sodium in the original and then reduce the sodium to maybe "only" 25% of your daily recommended intake instead of 40%), b) I love their hot foods buffet and b) I can't resist their cookies. Other than that, I'd be 100% out...and yes, I'm way too lazy to buy bags of uncooked pinto beans and cook them for hours <g>.

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