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Ok SZ. Short version of what's been going on as I'll never make it thru the

From: Capricorn Find all posts by Capricorn View Capricorn's profile Send private message to Capricorn
Date: Wed, 24-Apr-2024 4:58:37 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 👂🏾Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Gabfest! 🎤 posted by Antwon
long version. And may have troubles here.

Due to hubby being preoccupied with getting his mom settled and various scheduling issues, we haven't seen our daughter & her family in a while. We've been texting though: silly memes, things that make us think of the other, just checking to see if things are okay etc.

Hubby thinks mom is settled for now, so I reach out via text last Tuesday asking what the chances are for getting together in the next week or 2. Very open-ended, no pressure. No response, so I try again the next day. Again no response. I try the following day. Nothing. So, I text Zach, her husband asking if there's something wrong.

Shortly therafter, I get a text from our daughter: "I'm not in the mental state to deal with you 2. But I'm fine".

Umm. MY first kneejerk reaction was: "not in the right mental state to deal with your parents"? If I had tried that with my parents or grandparents? The ISH would have hit the fan, if you know what I mean? Second thought was "okay, she has some other major things going on and needs some time." I text back "sorry you are having issues mental or otherwise, but I'm your mom and love you." No response.

I do nothing for 3 days. Text her "I hope you are feeling/getting better" late Sunday afternoon.

The response I got on Tuesday? Flattened me.

I won't put the text here, but it was almost hateful as if we were horrible parents.

Were we perf0ect? No, but I know no parent that is. We did the best we could at the time, made mistakes tried to learn from them.

Given we had been texting with no issues shortly before the responses I got that upset me, I have to think there are some other major factors in her life at play.

But still my heart hurts that she would say some things.

I'm going to log off the internet for the night and distract myself.

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