mowing his lawn in a hoodie and shorts. Meanwhile, I went for a walk wearing my winter coat buttoned all the way up, two layers under the winter coat, gloves and a hat and I was a li'l cold <g>.
I almost didn't go for a walk but...while Sis and BIL were here, my eating got a bit out of control. While I can eat pretty much anything and not suffer any consequences, I *do* need to eat on a somewhat regular schedule. Which didn't happen when the family was took two days before I actually felt hunger again. I made a conscious effort to...not exactly diet but do better in both the eating and exercising department last week. Less mindless eating, a LOT less sugar...three actual meals (though one day I skipped breakfast because I just wasn't hungry and waited to eat until lunchtime), less snacking, etc. And I tried to drink more water; getting enough fluids in me is something I struggle with. Plus I walked briskly for several miles every day except Saturday (it was cold yesterday too). I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale for my Sunday morning weigh-in (a long time habit) and saw I'd dropped almost 3 pounds*.
* Not to be gross but...ah...the water and walking also helped keep things moving. I didn't poop enough while Sis was here so some of that weight loss could just have been more regular pooping 😁