Trevor Bauer is...not a good person...any time a woman is found guilty* of making fraudulent claims of sexual assault, I feel it makes it that much harder for actual victims to be taken seriously and to get justice. It's worse when it's a woman accusing a celebrity because the case gets national attention.
I've mentioned this here before but...sometimes I feel like I'm betraying my gender by not always automatically believing every woman in cases like this. Much of that stems from years ago when two women tried to claim then Indians' ace reliever José Mesa "lured" them to his hotel room and fondled them against their will. He was quickly acquitted of all charges...I can't remember if the women recanted their story or not. I *do* remember almost nobody believed the women, assuming they were gold diggers out to get some of Mesa's money.
*ETA--I realize "indicted" is not the same as "found guilty" but it's still not a good thing.