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In addition to today being April Fool's Day, it's also Dyngus Day

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 01-Apr-2024 8:54:42 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🗣Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Gabfest 🎤 posted by Antwon

I'd never heard of Dyngus Day until I was well into adulthood. As the Wikipedia article mentions, there's a large Polish population in Cleveland, and several neighborhoods celebrate Dyngus Day, with the biggest celebration being in Gordon Square. I've always kind of wanted to go (in the past though, I was always working the Monday after Easter), and I considered going down to Gordon Square today to experience a Cleveland Dyngus Day celebration...but apparently they're charging $12 just for the "privilege" of standing around with a bunch of people, eating pierogis and listening to polka bands. I can watch polka performances on You Tube and there's some Mrs. T's pierogis in the freezer that I'll probably heat up for dinner tonight.

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