many strong characters.
What I didn't love is what HBO used to do with too many of its shows. Too much OTT sex scenes and nudity, and wayyy too much sexual assault.
I'll give one example - in the book, Dani and Khal's first encounter was consensual. He was patient, and waited for her to be ready, and they clicked sexually.
There was NO reason for this change. NONE.
So glad HBO has largely dropped this kind of crap, at least in the shows I've seen.
For example, in the series Rome from the mid-2000s, did we really have to have peoples' boobs and wieners hang out all the time? Nope. stopped watching the middle of the first season because, c'mon. The edgy sexual fluff was already so passe. No thanks.
The recent shows give women more agency in that regard, and we get strong women who chart their own course sexually. Recent example was True Detective S5.