of the chores he almost always insists on doing...and I let him <g>) and didn't realize the drain in the sink that the washing machine drains into had frozen. Our washer/dryer is in the unheated garage, which is not ideal but it works, and the temps were cold enough, long enough, for whatever water there was in the drain to freeze. Thank goodness it wasn't the pipes that froze (if they had, we would've noticed it elsewhere) but it was pretty exciting when the sink didn't drain and soapy water spilled out onto the floor.
And then on the way back inside with the basket of laundry, Dad bumped into the microwave stand and knocked off, and shattered, a glass dish that was full of Hershey miniatures. AND all this happened barely 30 minutes before my cousin stopped by for a (pre-scheduled, and very nice) visit. AND Leo decided at that moment to stroll into the kitchen, so I was trying to both shoo him away and help Dad gather up glass shards.
It's been a Monday...😁