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I think I have to agree with you. Once upon a time, there was

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sat, 20-Jan-2024 6:58:26 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ❄️❄️ Thursday*~Friday*~Weekend Chat Post ☀️ posted by Leia
In reply to: At this point it’s there for degenerate gamblers posted by CanaryFan98
a lot more chatter about sports on SZ, especially when it was playoff time. Of course there's a lot fewer people posting on SZ these days (and that still baffles me a little since posting is now free, but that's another subject) but even so, I've noticed in the past few years that even the biggest sporting events--the Super Bowl, the World Series, the NBA Finals--don't get much mention unless the winning team is one a poster roots for. I've also noticed that among my circle of friends and acquaintances, there's not as much interest in sports these days. I'm guilty of that myself; unless a Cleveland sports team is involved, I don't much care. I'm at a loss as to explain why...I know bff is convinced that games, especially playoff games, are rigged (she's especially convinced the NFL knows ahead of time who they want to win the SB any given year and do their best to ensure that happens...somehow). I don't know if I'd say outcomes are "rigged" but I do get tired of seeing the same teams in the SB, WS and NBA Finals year after year. Maybe not as much in other sports but in basketball, players throw fits until their friends wind up on the same team...that both annoys me and bores me. I also get frustrated at athletes being grossly overpaid, at athletes behaving badly and still getting paid to play (the Browns' DeShawn Watson fits both these categories) and, if I'm being completely honest...well, there's a third reason but I can't really discuss it on the CB, plus I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion <g>.

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