aka "Little Christmas". I spent the morning de-ornamenting the tree and spent the first part of the afternoon boxing up the rest of the decorations and hauling them to the attic. I. Am. Exhausted. And still in my jammies. And considering staying in my jammies since it's snowing out and I don't have any plans for the rest of the day. I was halfheartedly toying with grabbing dinner somewhere; Dad (the sweetheart) ignored our "no gifts this year!" family rule* and wrote me a check, telling me to get something I wanted or eat out a couple times or whatever. I was going to say I was the only one who understood the assignment this Christmas but Bro and his family were happy to not get gifts for anyone (I figured they would be) and I did tell Dad that I was still going to donate to Toys For Tots like I do every year as part of his Christmas gift. But I refuse to overpay for Uber Eats or Door Dash or whatever, so getting something to eat would involve...getting dressed.
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