The latest I've taken down Christmas decorations is the third week in January. In my youth (and some of my middle age, I'm sorry to say), I was pretty judgy about people who had Christmas decorations up in February or even March, but now I figure it's really none of my business how they decorate and maybe they have reasons to keep their Christmas decorations up. Until some time in late December--I wanna say last week?--one neighbor still had their fall decorations out. Their driveway was lined with plain pumpkins. I thought it was a bit odd to have the pumpkins out for so long but then again, the only thing I know about these neighbors is a) they're elderly and b) they have a cat (Toonces) who roams free because the husband is highly allergic but the wife wanted a cat anyways. Maybe they're too tired or in poor health and didn't have time to pick up the pumpkins. Or maybe they don't celebrate Christmas and felt no need to put up a wreath or a tree or some lights. Who knows?
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