(I missed the first 25 minutes or so). It's amazing how spry and "together" DVD still is as he rapidly closes in on 100 years on Earth. He seems like a genuinely nice guy, and a wide variety of actors, comedians and other celebrities couldn't gush enough about him. The musical performances were top notch...my only beef, and it's a minor one, was the lack of love for Diagnosis Murder. I used to watch that show with my mom when it aired; we both loved it, and to this day, if you ask me what dwelling, featured in a movie or on a TV show, I would most want to live in, I'd choose Mark Sloan's beach house (as would my good church friend). There was mention of DVD starring in Bye Bye Birdie. There was a ton of love for The Dick Van Dyke Show, and of course almost all the musical numbers were from Mary Poppins. But unless they talked about Diagnosis Murder in the first 25 minutes, it only got a brief mention: Roma Downey, talking about how DVD loved to work with family members, mentioned DVD working with his son and grandchildren on DM, commented that it was DVD's longest running TV show and claiming that whenever CBS wanted the producers to "spice up" the show, make it more "edgy", DVD fought back, claiming it needed to stay family friendly. I would've loved to see some of the cast (especially Charlie Schlatter, who played Jesse--I had a HUGE crush on him during his DM run) be included among the celebs sending DVD video well wishes, but alas, it didn't happen.
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