wait until Bro is better to gather for the holidays. I also stressed that it didn't matter to Dad and me when we saw everyone, we just want to see everyone. Besides, we're not exchanging gifts this year (unlike Sis, this side of the family will likely stick to that). Nephew texted me back and said he and Niece (who lives with him for the moment) "could go either way", but it is a bit of a struggle to find a time when both of them are free. I told him it was going to be a long Christmas Eve day for me (I have to be at church at 9:00 AM and wouldn't be getting home from Nephew's church's Christmas Eve service till 8:30 PM at the absolute best, with no real downtime in between) and I would appreciate it if we moved our family gathering. He just texted me this afternoon to see if New Year's Day would work. It absolutely will--I have NOTHING going on for New Year's, Eve OR Day. Bro should be no longer contagious by then and should be able to join us. If this plan is adopted, it'll be a Christmas miracle...or at least their Christmas gift to me <g>.
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