SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Andrew Cuomo leading NYC mayoral race: Survey

From: Kitchop Find all posts by Kitchop View Kitchop's profile Send private message to Kitchop
Date: Thu, 06-Mar-2025 5:49:07 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In reply to: March Political Post posted by Antwon
There are eleven Democrats running for mayor and a few Republicans. One thing is for sure — although he insists he is running for reelection, there is no way that Eric Adams will be reelected. His approval rating right now is 20%! Hence the number of candidates. They smell blood in the water. Enter Andrew Cuomo and he immediately jumps into a healthy lead.

I have mixed feelings about this. I take sexual harassment seriously but it doesn’t sound like we’re talking anywhere near Harvey Weinstein levels. I don’t feel like I really know what happened and what didn’t. As for the ways data was reported on nursing home COVID deaths, I don’t think there was a coverup. We were in uncharted territory during the pandemic. Patients went back and forth between hospitals and nursing homes during the pandemic and they died in both places. And they had to be somewhere. Overall, I think Cuomo did a good job during COVID.

So….when I heard the news that Cuomo is officially running for NYC mayor, my first reaction was that, first and foremost, at this particular moment in history, we need someone who is experienced, strong and has the guts to stand up to Trump because the Trump regime is gunning for us. So…yes…I think I would vote for him.


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