SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


I will say this until I'm blue in the face: We did nothing. The US has no reason

From: Dreamylyfe Find all posts by Dreamylyfe View Dreamylyfe's profile Send private message to Dreamylyfe
Date: Wed, 05-Mar-2025 7:54:53 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: March Political Post posted by Antwon
In reply to: And we DESERVE it. I mean, not us who tried to stop Trump… posted by Marriage4All
to do this. You will see no benefit, and even if you do, it will be very much outweighed by the cost.

Also, every day this goes on the US is going to have a steadily harder time recovering their reputation. If the tariffs went away tomorrow, Canada would continue to try to establish new trade relations and minimize our reliance on US goods and services. Because the trust has been damaged in a way it will take years to rebuild.

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