SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Yep -- like I said, the wind was bad, but now I'm hearing that it wasn't bad

From: Dreamylyfe Find all posts by Dreamylyfe View Dreamylyfe's profile Send private message to Dreamylyfe
Date: Tue, 18-Feb-2025 10:29:42 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: February Posts posted by Cpnorthstar
In reply to: I believe there was some indication they were going too fast... posted by Marriage4All
enough -- well within the bounds of what a plane is ok with land in. Which does now open up the floor to our collective question -- "What is going ON?"

As you can imagine, a lot of Canadians have been cancelling their trips to the US in favour less hostile nations. But now we have this added bit of "Um... also, is it SAFE to fly to the US?" Because it definitely feels like a question that needs asking.

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