ground beef or meatloaf mix. Chicken is getting to be pretty expensive too, so I buy that sparingly. OTOH, I've had a lot of success with pork. The last time I bought pork chops, they were only around $3 for a pack of four (thin cut) center chops. I got a BOGO deal a while back on pork loin--2 loins for around $6--and last week, I got a BOGO deal on pork butt roast and picked up two, each over 4 lbs., for about $17. I tossed one in the crockpot with some chicken stock, garlic, and mirepoix and cooked it on low for almost 10 hours before shredding it. Dad, bff and I had, respectively, a plate of shredded pork with horseradish sauce, a BBQ pulled pork sandwich and a couple pulled pork tacos during the Super Bowl. I sent home a couple servings of pulled pork with bff and Dad and I have been eating shredded pork once a day in some form for the last four days, and there's still a little in the fridge. I'm not a huge fan of pork but right now, for us, it's the most economical protein.
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