SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


And there's this weird idea we aren't audited?

From: Marriage4All Find all posts by Marriage4All View Marriage4All's profile Send private message to Marriage4All
Date: Thu, 13-Feb-2025 11:19:39 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: February Posts posted by Cpnorthstar
In reply to: But they're doing AudItz! My son's first reaction, sadly shared by posted by Cassie
We are audited every year. Yes, the Pentagon frequently fails audits and most of us agree that the defense budget needs serious work (although federal employee staffing is not where those failures are coming from). Generally, the rest of us can't get away with that.

Just for the Library, we publish our financial reports every year:


We use an independent REAL auditor. As of our most recent reports, we were found to be clean.

And that's without acknowledging that paying for the salaries of federal employees is 3% of the overall annual budget. 3%. You are not going to make meaningful differences. And Musk isn't trying to, of course. He's trying to burn it all down. But people who genuinely think this is going to save money and help lower taxes or It will not. And we get audited. Frequently. By people qualified to do so.

If only people knew how difficult it was to get funding for like...anything, as a federal employee. We have to be so careful. We're warned over and over and over that we are accountable to the public, that we are scrutinized, and that we need to be very cautious.

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