SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


In my neck of the woods, not really?

From: Marriage4All Find all posts by Marriage4All View Marriage4All's profile Send private message to Marriage4All
Date: Tue, 28-Jan-2025 11:47:25 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: Ending 2024, Politically... posted by Justathot
In reply to: I’m really sorry that you and all federal workers are going through this. Do you posted by Kitchop
I'm a librarian - we tend to be a pretty liberal bunch. My brother and my SIL voted for Kamala. But MAGA federal employees are definitely around - they pop up on various federal forums. They're usually shut down pretty quickly, heh. Especially right now. Those of us who explicitly did NOT vote for this are not feeling...charitable at the moment.

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