SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


NOPE. LOL. LW and I went birding. Seems many ppl in the area

From: Cassie Find all posts by Cassie View Cassie's profile Send private message to Cassie
Date: Tue, 21-Jan-2025 11:13:28 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: Ending 2024, Politically... posted by Justathot
In reply to: Did anyone watch the Inaugural Day ceremonies? posted by Justathot
had the same idea.

It was a cool but gorgeous day. We went to Consumnes River Preserve in SW Sacramento County.

No Sandhill Cranes or Snow Geese, but thousands of White-fronted Geese (like, THOUSANDS), various water and shorebirds (even Avocets and Stilts, LW's new favorite birds), blackbirds, tons of Yellow-Rumped Warblers and many others.

LW got really into it, and told me NOW he gets why I love birds. He said...they're so cute! Exactly!

Either way, I woke up in a funk, and chose birding as my response. :)

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