SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Meta (owner of Facebook, Instagram, Threads and Whatsapp) also sells your

From: senorbrightside Find all posts by senorbrightside View senorbrightside's profile Send private message to senorbrightside
Date: Mon, 20-Jan-2025 9:10:43 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: Ending 2024, Politically... posted by Justathot
In reply to: I have such mixed feelings about TikTok. On the one hand, I do posted by Wahoo
data and have for a longer time. Just a FYI, no judgement or anything intended with it...I knew it and continued to use it because everyone else did :-/

Deactivated Facebook and Instagram this morning...never had Threads. Alas, WhatsApp is deeply ingrained into Spanish society so I can't ever delete it, especially since I'm trying to get back there...Never had TikTok and after their stunt this weekend...pretty sickened about everything going on.

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