SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


I've checked out, too. The one day I turned on the news, was the day Joe &

From: LuvMyKidlets Find all posts by LuvMyKidlets Send private message to LuvMyKidlets
Date: Wed, 08-Jan-2025 7:28:04 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: Ending 2024, Politically... posted by Justathot
In reply to: I've checked out. For my mental health. posted by ladyday
Haven't checked in here or posted since election. Haven't really watched the news since then either. Why bother? It's all bull****. I can't afford to have hope and I certainly can't afford the high blood pressure of watching the nightly news. I'm off Twitter, no longer watch my beloved Late Night shows (Seth & the 2 Jimmys). If they have guests I like I will record and watch that part later. But as much as I used to love Seth Meyers' "Closer Look".......I can't even bear to look at a photo of trump, much less hear what he's recently said.

Mika returned from kissing Trump's ass at MAL. I turned off the news and haven't looked back since. The only news I'm seeing is the push notifications on my phone.

Giving up shows you enjoy is difficult, but mental health must come first.

I was watching Jimmy Carter's funeral....actually I believe it was his "State Funeral" earlier today on CNN. Apparently his actual funeral service will be on Thursday. Anyway, I had such mixed emotions. He was such a great man. He was truly a "Man of The People". He refused to let them play "Hail to the Chief" and eschewed many of the presidential protocols because he was a simple man and saw himself as a servant to his constituency. Which is truly as it should be for ALL politicians from the ground up. And we have (very) sadly (and dangerously) gone so far astray from that ideal.

He was a good man, and politics has strayed from his ideals. Carter deserves a respectful and loving funeral, and I'm glad he passed under Biden's watch rather than Trump's.

My husband put on CBS national news at 6pm tonight (for the first time in forever). The first 10 minutes had me muttering and then swearing like a damn banshee. He won't ever do that again, lol.

Trump's not even sworn in yet. It's going to be a looong presidency. *sigh*

I'm checking out for the next 4 years. I have to. Let me know when it's time to board the train to the camps. Until then, I don't want to know.

*sits next to you*

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