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Anybody watch President Biden's interview on CBS this morning - my thoughts

From: Anon33Guest Find all posts by Anon33Guest Send private message to Anon33Guest
Date: Mon, 12-Aug-2024 10:56:57 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In reply to: 🗽🗽🗽. August 2024 Politics Discussion 🗽🗽🗽 posted by Kitchop
Here is the interview


My thoughts: It ticked me off all over again. While President Biden was better rested and more focused in this interview than he has been in a long time, he still was not coherent as he should have been. Imagine if he was still in the race and hadn't been able to rest up what a disaster it would have been?

The main reason it ticks me off though, is some of his folks are leaking about how they blame Speaker Emerita Pelosi for how things went down. No. The main person responsible for how things went down is President Biden himself.
- HE is the one who decided to run again when he obviously does not have it in him to both run for President and be President. To be fair to him, most folks his age couldn't do it either. Not even Bill Clinton who is a multi-generational political talent
- HE is the one who blew the debate and then was stubborn about listening to people as they saw internal polling and donations crater. His team supposedly didn't even poll swing states for at least a month before the debate and two weeks after.

It took 3 weeks, his team finally doing internal polling and a Covid diagnosis before he had his "come to Jesus moment." He deserves credit for doing so but I well remember how we got to where we did in the first place


As for the blame being heaped on Pelosi, I think it is unfair and tinged with misogyny. Let's look at it. Probably more than any one politician she is personally invested in Trump not getting back into office for a couple of reasons
- From Jan 2019-Jan 2021 she was the main person stopping Trump from launching Project 2025 early. No one else had that responsibility. Not President Biden. Not VP Harris. Not Schumer. Just her. If she hadn't been able to keep her caucus united against Trump he would have been able to start on Project 2025 early

- Almost every piece of legislation Trump is threatening to rip apart is a piece of legislation she ushered through the House by the slimmest of majorities. Just two examples
-- The ACA: she pretty much saved it when all looked lost with the election of Scott Brown in MA. She did this by convincing several D reps to "fall on their swords" to pass it. As a result several of those folks lost their house races in the fall.
-- The Inflation Reduction Act: It passed the house 213-217. Had Pelosi lost even two votes it wouldn't have passed.

Next, if Pelosi can do anything it is count votes. Couple that with the fact that she has been a sounding board and past leader for most of the D house and we have why she was one of the folks talking to Biden. She earned her place at the table just as much as President Clinton, President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and President Biden.

Because of all of that perhaps President Biden and his "he was wronged" warriors, who are looking for someone to blame, should take a step back and realize how we got here in the first place.

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