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VP picks don't often move the needle but as for Walz's qualities....

From: K_StillNotOver2016 Find all posts by K_StillNotOver2016 Send private message to K_StillNotOver2016
Date: Tue, 30-Jul-2024 2:03:50 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: July Politics Post ~ ๐ŸŽ†๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธโ˜€ posted by Andrea
In reply to: All I want to do is win. So I want the candidate that does that. posted by JulesL44
Even though Iโ€™d hate to lose Shapiro here in PA to be VP and not really be able to do much.
How does Walz move the needle?

I think statistically, VP picks don't normally move the needle. Ideally, they want someone who won't overshadow the nominee in either a good or bad way. I know the idea is that they'll shore up a swing state but I don't know if that's ever been proven? Maybe.

His qualities, however, are that he's solidly progressive but also has rural, working class, and military background and exhibits that convincingly.

He's funny. He has a genial style of communication that is clear but also doesn't come off as overly polished. His 'folksy-ness' comes off as authentic rather than a performance. If he wears jeans and a flannel, they won't look brand new like they usually do when politicians wear them.

He's a former teacher, former National Guard, I believe he has had children thanks to IVF which the right wants to ban, and he's a hunter.

He's from a small town in Nebraska so he understands the rural community. I don't think he'd deliver that community for Harris but overall, I think he comes off as a likable dude which could appeal to voters.

They wouldn't pick him to deliver MN. If they pick him, they're probably hoping his understanding of the midwest will help shore up states like Wisconsin and Michigan. It probably would even play well in PA.

But they aren't picking him to set up a future star in the party for success. If Harris wins (hopefully) and serves two terms, he'll be 68. He could run for president but it'd be an age issue again. He's my governor and I really like him, though. So just like you, I'd hate to lose him but I also see why he's seen as an appealing choice.

That's the thing that picking Beshear gives the party. He's 46 and managed to win in a red state. It makes him known to the country and potentially sets him up for future success.

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