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Since SOOOO many Republican controlled states have LOST THEIR MINDS...

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Sun, 21-Jul-2024 9:10:47 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: July Politics Post ~ πŸŽ†πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβ˜€ posted by Andrea
In reply to: I think Dems need to run hard on aboriton rights and stopping Project 2025. posted by The_Cat_Did_It
on abortion restrictions and are eying contraceptives, a lot of people are having second, third, and fourth thoughts about the "liberal" term of "reproductive rights."

Lots of people, male and female, who called themselves "pro-life" found themselves[,] or someone they knew[,] in a squeeze due to the restrictions. They wanted to have a medical procedure, not an abortion. Abortions are bad things that sleazy people do. This is different. It's a medical procedure. They found out that the legislation doesn't see the difference, their doctors are at risk of losing their license, going to jail, and/or having a hefty fine, and their legislators have no desire to clarify the mess they've made. I'm very happy that the Republican legislators starting running down the street and showing the new freckles on their behinds before the 2024 election. Some ["pro-life voters] are willing to vote D to protect themselves and [ensure] options for people they know and love.

IMO, that's why ads and education about the GOP dream, Project 2025, are so important. That's especially true if it's explained that blocking it in this election doesn't stop the monster. It will keep trying to ooze under the door or through a keyhole until it can take over. Look at the Supreme Court Justices who swore (literally) that Roe v Wade was settle law, precedent on precedent, and sang the stare decisis song until they got enough like minded justices to change the tune.

Laying out the dots and connecting them in such a way that no leaps or long strides are [needed] could win over some of these Republican voters.

There's still time, no matter how the ticket is written.

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