SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


For quite a while...decades(?), anyone/anything people didn't like...

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Thu, 11-Jul-2024 10:47:07 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: July Politics Post ~ 🎆🇺🇸☀ posted by Andrea
In reply to: I think voting AGAINST fascism is a very compelling reason to vote as is posted by Kitchop
was "fascist" or "fascism." BLM is fascist. Antifa is fascist (I know, the name says that they're anti fascist.). Anything I'm against is fascist and since I like FPOTUS Trump, he can't be fascist. The same people who say that something is fascist, communist, Marxist, socialist. Those same people wouldn't recognize an insurrection if they took part in it...and they did. First, they have to be educated on fascism, that it's bad, and they don't want four months.

voting AGAINST a Christian theocracy

For some people, since Christianity is their thing and they like their flavor of Christianity, a Christian theocracy might be a good thing...again, unwilling/unable to understand that our Constitution doesn't push any religion and every religion/no religion gets equal standing with the government not pro or anti. I usually have to explain using a chicken blood from a voodoo ceremony or Little Johnny grabbing a towel and asking which way is east so they can show them how they learned to pray today.

and voting AGAINST Project 2025.

I think this is the best one because it has the plans and details laid out in detail. Pages and paragraphs can be pointed out with a little bit of an explanation about where that leads.

Even with doubts about Biden’s health and disagreement with him on a specific policy (Gaza, for example), a vote for Biden (if he remains the Dem candidate) is a vote FOR democracy and a vote AGAINST fascism. Not voting at all, when so much is at stake, seems like a cop out. It’s clear what the choice is between.

Reminding people that sitting this out is not an option. Use my mother's favorite saying, "Don't vote, don't complain." Remind people that there's really only a binary choice. In the 2020 election, POTUS Trump lost but got 74.2M votes. Some have left the Trump team, but we don't know how many people have joined it. President Biden won with 81.2M. That's a 7M vote difference. Over 123M people watched last year's Superbowl.

No matter what, the Dems have to get much better at messaging.

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