SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board



From: CL Find all posts by CL View CL's profile Send private message to CL
Date: Mon, 26-Feb-2024 8:34:34 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: CA Politics - I got questions, Cassie! posted by CL
In reply to: Since DiFi had announced her retirement...yes, he raised his hand posted by Cassie

You cannot run for two offices at once, so he will no longer be an MOC.A bunch of people lined up to run for his seat, mostly state legislators.

I thought he did some great things in the House. Why does he think he can do better in the Senate?

The other candidates for Senate are:

Barbara Lee (D)
Steve Garvey, the former Dodger's star (R).

So both Senate seats are up for grabs this year? I thought we rotate the terms to maintain at least one consistency, right?

Does that help?

It does! Thanks. I am in Eric Swalwell's district.

Yeah, Can't decide between Katie and Adam, myself.

I haven't heard much from Barbara Lee in recent years. Am I not paying enough attention or is she not getting this done? Why is she also leaving the House? Will CA lose the seniority when both these two are not Reps anymore?


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