SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


I'm not fully against regulation, but for the GOP to state that

From: CL Find all posts by CL View CL's profile Send private message to CL
Date: Thu, 25-Jan-2024 3:46:53 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: I thought GOP is for small gov't? FL House approved restricting minors on soc me posted by CL
In reply to: The U.S. is the only country that does not have social-media regulation. posted by LuvMyKidlets
government should stay out of families decision making. That parents know best about their children and for their children, way better than the government. And yet FL is enacting for the last 2 years regulations that takes the parental decision away from families and put it onto the government.

Who are they to say if the book is right or not for a child? Who are the government to say if the child is mature enough to handle social media? I know a few only child that are way mature at 10 years old (because their parent treats them like grown ups - right wrong or indifferent) and so now the government is saying the parents can't let their kid on social media.

Why are they targeting the families? Why are they NOT making legislature for the companies?

Just like immigration - why are they targeting the undocumented? Why are they not making legislature for companies?


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