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The U.S. is the only country that does not have social-media regulation.

From: LuvMyKidlets Find all posts by LuvMyKidlets Send private message to LuvMyKidlets
Date: Thu, 25-Jan-2024 8:07:19 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In reply to: I thought GOP is for small gov't? FL House approved restricting minors on soc me posted by CL
Instead of regulating social media, FL House has decided to go after the kids. It's likely to be a short-term bandaid.

I understand what they are trying to do. TikTok's algorithm targets vulnerable teens and recommends "harmful" content to them, sometimes as rapidly as every 27 to 39 seconds. The algorithmically recommended content on those accounts' 'For You' feed includes videos about body image, mental health, and eating disorders.

In China, the feeds default to ways to improve grades, study habits, and quizzes for potential careers.


Thanks for the link!

“My concern is the government telling parents how to parent their child and taking away the complete ability for them to make that decision,” said Democratic Rep. Ashley Gantt of Miami, who filed an unsuccessful amendment seeking parental approval for minors to access social media.

I completely agree, but what is Congress doing about the problem?

“If we just let parents decide on this one, parents are going to be harangued so much because it makes a kid ostracized not to be on social media,” Renner told reporters earlier last week.

My concern is that FL will treat this new law like they did the "Don't Say Gay" law and how they have handled books. It's a slippery slope.

What happened to "parents know their kids and should be allow the freedom to raise them..."

Parents I speak with aren't aware of what their kids are watching. They did hear their kids screaming that TikTok might get banned in the U.S.

GOP are Hypocrites!

100% even though this restriction may be coming from a good place. Similar to gambling, phones are addictive and provide dopamine hits.

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