It is the reason that Y&R was the #1 soap for 34 years. BTG has an excellent lead in from B&B. BTG has also garnished 80% higher ratings than The Talk did in that timeslot.
GH has been awful in the ratings for years now and even if BTG's ratings dip, I predict that they will still have a better showing than GH--due to how awful their wash/rinse/repeat storytelling has sunk to. I honestly feel like GH is on life support right now.
[Edited by Antwon on Thu, 06-Mar-2025 2:51:55 PM PST]
[Edited by Antwon on Thu, 06-Mar-2025 2:56:39 PM PST]
[Edited by Antwon on Thu, 06-Mar-2025 3:04:52 PM PST]
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