Once a grifter always a grifter. This man kidnapped you, held you hostage, and tried to kill you via an explosion--but all is forgiven for $250,000? I never warmed to the character but I found her tolerable. She just went off on Sidwell days ago and warned her "friends" against getting involved with him. Oh what a difference $$$ makes. Just like Cody, she has shown herself to be an opportunist, whose values change if the price is right.
Right? I wish I could say I was surprised. All her bluster about being independent is just words.
It appears that Gio will turn to Emma when his life blows up. I hope he goes to Joss/Trina since they live on the same property. I'm not liking NuEmma at all.
Me either. Don't like her.
Drew still sucks but I didn't hate his scenes with Portia yesterday. This version of Drew is a stark contrast to Talk Show host version. The way they have him racking up enemies, I wonder if Drew's days are numbered. What am I saying--this writing regime wouldn't know a good Whodunnit if it bit them on the arse.
It would be nice if they had a whodunnit.