General Hospital Message Board


It's so dumb. They should be assuming he's still out there and on the

From: The_Cat_Did_It Find all posts by The_Cat_Did_It View The_Cat_Did_It's profile Send private message to The_Cat_Did_It
Date: Wed, 26-Feb-2025 3:27:07 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of February 24th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Has Cyrus even been missing that long? No body! posted by Jeff
run and a danger to people. They should have cops out looking for him and plastering his face every where and warning people to be on the look out. It's terribly contrived to go right to arresting Jason.

Also, who wants to bet Cyrus isn't really dead? All we have is Brennan's word on it. Who's to say he wasn't lying and shipped Cyrus off to a WSB hospital to hold on to should they have need of a pyscho someday.

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