sexy or endearing for a messy man. He's messy af! He already apologized to Sasha last week for being a blabbermouth and then just as Felicia managed to smooth things over--Cody channeled his inner Wendy Williams and spilled more tea--publicly no less!
There has been enough time for him to get over the fact that Sasha is his cousin. I'm sure it hurts but you are blood relatives. If that's not enough to turn off your feelings I don't know what is. But this is who Cody is. He's jealous of those who he feels has it too easy. I said this back when he shook Drew down for $50,000. If he were smart, he would have asked for a job at Aurora. Give me a job with an $80,000 annual salary, benefits and 401K. That's what a smart person would have done. Cody doesn't wanna work for anything. He wants it handed to him but he never learns from his get rich schemes--even after they blow up in his face constantly.