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Thoughts on today's show: Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Fri, 17-Jan-2025 6:25:14 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: 🧼Week of January 13th Spoiler HP👀 posted by Antwon
I love me some Tracy but she has been acting like a "Karen" all week. There is no other way to describe her behavior. Korte must have been on vacation this week. That's the only thing to explain Sonny and Carly being bested twice in the same week. It was glorious but the bottom line here is Tracy was all the way wrong. If Willow screwed the entire PCU Football team that is her business and doesn't give Tracy the right to keep Willow from her children. I only wish that Chase was the one to haul her away vs going round and round with her. I'm glad she was arrested and I hope she spends a night in jail.

I guess Willow having Michael's medical proxy is pointless now if she is going to defer to Carly and Sonny because they "tried" to get the kids back. Really, Drew is the only one to think to call the police? Seriously?! And Carly's dumb ass was told that Michael would be in excruciating pain and she's standing there making small talk. I think they are wrong. He is in no condition or state of mind to make this decision. For God's sake--ask him the question already. There is a state of the art burn clinic but it's in Germany. I'd go with you. There is also another one in the USA. Blink once for Germany or blink twice for Chittlin Switch, Alabama! So if Michael chooses Germany, does that mean that Laura Wright will go on an extended vacation? She said she would go with Michael. Who will care for Donna? Joss?!

Cody. Cody. Cody. You truly are the dumbest ass in captivity. So not only did you blow your entire $50,000 on a college football game--you bet $55,000 and you're now in the debt to Selina. When they were dishing out the brains, he must have been standing there with a thimble.

And more Sidwell, just roaming around without a care in the world and now he has taken a fancy to Ava. Ric noticed and did not like it. In the previews for TUESDAY, looks like Sonny is having heart palpitation part IV.

I said Tuesday, because on Monday, January 20th--ABC, NBC and CBS will do blanket coverage from 9-3 of that moron's inauguration! 😒 I would rather mop the entire ocean floor than watch even a second of it.

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