General Hospital Message Board


I liked Willow stating her rights as Michael's wife ...

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Tue, 14-Jan-2025 8:24:54 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: 🧼Week of January 13th Spoiler HP👀 posted by Antwon
In reply to: Thoughts on today's show: I have zero problems with what Willow did today. posted by Antwon
because she does care what happens to Michael.

I would have no issue with Willow making it clear that regardless of the state of their marriage, she does care about Michael and concerned about their children. Regardless of her relationship with Drew, the children will need their mother while their father is fighting for his life ... and, I assume, taking over Lulu's position of character in long-term medical limbo.

Where Willow looses my respect is when she lets Drew speak for her. You could see she wasn't comfortable with Drew making ultimatums! Willow was weak letting Drew speaking for her, and then hugging him instead of letting him know he can't speak for her.

Drew was insufferable.

Willow should have her kids, and while Michael's family can be upset she cheated on Michael, his medical condition and how best to move forward is more important.

Karen L.

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