General Hospital Message Board


Drew is responsible for he is doing NOW not what others have done

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Sun, 12-Jan-2025 12:06:45 PM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of January 6th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Seeing people rationalize or measure degrees of cheating is interesting to me. posted by Antwon
If I did something thoughtless and extremely hurtful to someone even if they had done something hurtful to me, their actions don't justify my actions. Pointing out other's bad behavior doesn't justify my bad behavior. Drew owns his, Carly owns hers. And Carly is justified being angry at Drew for hurting he son and being more concerned about Michael's pain while fighting for his life than Drew's feelings.

Michael is not perfect, and has had his issues. but he hasn't done anything to Drew that is in the same hemisphere to Drew sleeping with his wife. However, Drew deciding to go see Michael in the hospital when he knows Michael is aware he slept wit his wife-- is selfish.

It is Drew wanting to see Michael to make himself feel better, with no regard of whether Michael would want to see him or not. Michael is going through enough physical pain right now without having the emotional pain of Drew and Willow brought up.

If I were Michaels mother or sister -- even if I had committed their past sins -- I wouldn't want him bothering Michael.

And if I had done something extremely hurtful to someone and a couple of weeks later they ended up in the hospital, even if I felt terrible, I wouldn't assume they would want to see me. And what is best or them would be my primary concern. I would pray they got better and hope at some point

But it would have to be what is best for them, not what is best for me. Drew not even considering that Michael might not want to hear how much Drew loves at appreciates him and is sorry if he hurt him (though he's made it clear he's not sorry he slept with his wife) is remarkably selfish!

Karen L

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