General Hospital Message Board


Sad realities....

From: Sparky Find all posts by Sparky Send private message to Sparky
Date: Sat, 11-Jan-2025 8:27:55 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of January 6th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
There was a whole lot of truthiness going on in the hospital over the past few days.

Carly, Joss, Drew, Kristina, Willow, Nina, and Curtis have been dishing out some cold hard facts that others didn't want to hear. Sadly, while it is always everyone's right to speak their mind... there is a whole lot of hypocrisy involved. But that is soaps for you.

I will say getting to hear Drew force Carly to face that Micheal's current injuries are the result of his relationship to Sonny was nice. But... if Micheal went to see his "father figure" because of his upset over Drew and Willow... he was in his own way also responsible... while he was not responsible for the bomb (as far as we know right now... I DO JOT think Drew is above planting a bomb or anything else at this point). I truthfully feel like the bomb was Sidwell's doing and if so that was not really mob related but can be blamed on Holly's selfish grifting hiney.

I am just hopeful that Cyrus gets to poison (if not kill) Micheal... while Liz is not at the hospital... so it will help kill the hospitals case of wanting to accuse her with having something to do with the digitalis murders.

I do fear we are headed toward a Sasha and Jason pairing. It is what I get for letting myself like her. Jason almost always gets paired with females I like. Carly and Britt being exceptions. I can only hope that Jason keeps pushing for Sonny to plan his mob exit strategy... that would make a Jason and Sasha easier for me to digest. Maybe.

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