General Hospital Message Board


Does Willow hear herself, upset because Michael sent papers before talking?

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Tue, 07-Jan-2025 6:54:48 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of January 6th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: What is dumber than dumb? Because that is Willow. Did she think people posted by The_Cat_Did_It
Michael came to HER on Christmas eve so she could be with the kids for Christmas. From what we have seen, she has been Nina, her kids and/or Drew, quickly hired an attorney and has not once tried to talk to Michael.

She is the one who cheated, when discovered she is the one who took the kids to another location without talking to Michael, she was the first to get an an attorney, has made no effort to contact him.

How dare her send her divorce papers demanding full custody without talking to her.

I can handle Willow being boring, but boring and stupid is not entertaining.

Karen L.

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