Nina was furious with Drew after Willow confessed about the 4th of July kiss. I don't recall if Nina was talking to Maxie in her office or condo, but she said some crap about Willow having hero worship because Drew rescued Liesl who saved Willow's life. Nina told Maxie that she was going to keep Drew's attention on her by using sex. Maxie questioned the logic.
Drew arrived and the two promptly screwed on the floor. This is not a plot point or rewrite.
[Edited by Antwon on Wed, 06-Nov-2024 5:40:55 AM PST]
[Edited by Antwon on Wed, 06-Nov-2024 5:41:21 AM PST]
[Edited by Antwon on Wed, 06-Nov-2024 5:41:45 AM PST]
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