“From Kelly's event
She said does not have much at all coming up
Hasn't for a while
She said that the Lulu bed double has more airtime than her - 😳
Not true,but funny
She said that Sam has been stripped of her core.
Idk about that. I like this Sam.
She said that they forget that Danny is like her too.
Right? It is as if Sam doesn't exist as Danny's mom.
She thinks JaSam is endgame and thinks it will be a slow burn.”
I hope to heavens not. I would rather see her join a nunnery than get back together with Jason.
Dominic Z was also supposedly stating he hopes they hire a “name” for Lulu. I think the writing is on the wall for the future of a Sam/Dante pairing.
This pains me. I hope they. Separate temporarily when Lulu returns and get back together eventually.