General Hospital Message Board


Re: But there is no proof that Ava forced the pharmacist to do this.

From: jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan Find all posts by jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan Send private message to jeffb_FriscoSonnyFan
Date: Tue, 23-Jul-2024 9:02:10 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of July 22nd Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: But there is no proof that Ava forced the pharmacist to do this. posted by Antwon
They had a conversation. Wouldn't that be he said vs she said. There is proof of Sonny beating Cyrus:

1. He told Laura in the hospital

He told his sister in private. Hearsay.....and given his criminal history and what he's done to Sonny's family in the past, it could clearly be established that he has a vendetta. The only thing imo that can be used is Anna took his statement and said she wouldn't use it yet. She could testify. But again, once his meds being tampered with gets revealed all of this will be seen as Sonny being the victim. Or at least not responsible for his actions given his mental state at the time. Jmho

2. Sonny's knuckles were swollen and bloody

Were there pictures taken of Sonny's knuckles? If not, Cyrus is a known criminal and convicted Felon and the Mayor's brother. Him pointing to Sonny on his word alone doesn't mean a whole lot tbh. Especially on this show.

3. Ava can speak to the Pikeman stuff. Sonny told her pretty much all of it and he took her to that meeting.

What is she going to say? The meeting was a set up to flesh out whoever was trying to kill him. She knows very little about Pikeman and without proof it's Hearsay. And Ava isn't exactly the most credible witness either.

Basically, whatever is said against Sonny early in the trial.....will be put aside in the end when the meds tampering comes out imo.

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