General Hospital Message Board


For year's the specifics of Sonny's "criminal" side was abstract

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Thu, 18-Apr-2024 2:09:19 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of April 15th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Laura is a clown and so is Anna posted by TrinaFF_Okoye
It was the only way the show could justify Sonny and Jason being the moral center of the show. That why in the old PC Online Days some of us called it the Gummy Bear Mob, because we were TOLD he had a criminal side and he'd often threaten and talk tough, but never SAW him actually physically hurting anybody.

It is also a fact that Sonny ordered someone to kill Cyrus while he was in the hospital, calling it off at the last minute (which should make it a significantly less serious offense).

The show allowing Laura and Anna to actually see Sonny's dark side and being horrified instead of just hearing him called a mob boss but seeing the good things he's done makes sense to me.

Plus, I think when it comes out that Sonny was off his meds through no fault of his own, things will go back to normal.

Anna didn't shoot a teenagers -- she was shooting at the person who had set her house on fire, trashed her rented room with written threats and had just broken into her hotel room. She had every reason to believe it was one of the Pikeman villains she was after.

Valentin was responsible for Charlotte being shot for keeping not taking her to a therapist as soon as he realized it as her ... and clueing Anna in.

Karen L.

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