stir up crap. But some folks do need to learn the difference between actors and characters. There is characters I despise but would never, ever say something rude to the actor. But I've also seen actors who take criticism of their characters personally, like you are directing it at them. I remember when the newer L&O with Chris Meloni killed off Stabler's wife then revealed something she had done that wasn't cool. Not horrible or terrible, just uncool. Folks on Twitter were like "Sucks she did that", the fictional wife character. But the actress was like "They're attacking me on Twitter!". I honestly didn't see any attacks against her personally, it was all about the character she played. Who knows. Maybe someone idiot did say something to her but, yeah, you gotta have super thick skin to be an actor engaging with fans on social media. I don't know that I would do it myself in their position. Even Stephen Colbert has said he doesn't go on Twitter, he has someone else who posts stuff under his account.
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