General Hospital Message Board


I did like his reactions to various circumstances better than in the past. He

From: Jo16 Find all posts by Jo16 Send private message to Jo16
Date: Tue, 02-Apr-2024 8:45:48 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of April 1st Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: I thought Jason seemed more gentle, but figured it was in my head. I didn’t posted by Paj_Staying4Becky
understood where Jake was coming from, which he should completely understand that. Like you mentioned, his entry into Dante's room. Telling Aiden and Elizabeth he shouldn't just drop by was true, and it was nice that he mentioned it. The way he talked with Anna, Carly, etc., as he has made the rounds seems more subdued than before. He still should not have told Danny to keep his return a secret from Sam, but everything else seems better.

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