General Hospital Message Board


Ooo wee! Some of these peeps on TWITter need to back away and

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Thu, 14-Mar-2024 7:54:57 AM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of March 11th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
grab a glass of wine. Some Sprina fans and some Elizabeth fans are pissed off and just saying ridiculous things:

Sprina fans are upset that Trina hasn't been seen in two weeks. Do they not know that actors take vacations? They are claiming because it's a Black character she has been relegated to wallpaper until her White co-star returns. Da fuq?

Elizabeth Fans: Some dude named Daniel is on a tweeting storm and he's not alone. They claim that Willow isn't even a nurse yet (she is) and as head nurse and father of one of his kids, Elizabeth is who Jason should have sought out and because they haven't broken up FIZ as we just saw CREW implode, it's clear that Jason is headed for a romance with Carly. Dude even keeps saying that this is all Patrick's tinkering and this is what we are in for. I did engage him by saying per the opening credits, this is still Chris/Dan's material airing. Patrick's scripts haven't aired yet.

This other woman claims she had piping hot tea on why Liz hasn't been apart of Jason's return nor has she even gotten a reaction scene to him being alive--Korte vetoed it! She doesn't want Liz heavily involved in this story. I called BS on it. First of all, as EP the buck starts/stops with Frank V. He has the power to greenlight and veto scripts, plots, and cast changes. It's pretty wild. I mean I totally get being passionate about your favorite character/actor but some of these folks need two pop a couple of Valiums.

Some of their tweets have made me laugh, but a lot of it has me shaking my head. It's not that serious!

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