I think it requires skill. As Nina said, she built up a strong relationship with photographers and other contacts. She clearly knows what she's doing if the magazine is not only been profitable, but it's the crown jewel of Aurora. That is based on decisions that she made. What articles are approved, denied, landing good interviews. It was her idea to put Ava on the cover and even though she revealed way more than she cleared with Ava--it became their best selling issue and people in the comments were loving how Ava was a survivor and turned her life around. If suddenly Carly steps in and either maintains that or circulations doubles or something--that's going to be utter BS. I don't care how hard they sell it, I'll never buy into this propping of Carly as Every Woman!
She has told Sonny, Joss, Sam etc how much she has enjoyed running the diner. Let her stay her trifling ass over there.