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Sonny and Kate - December 19, 2008, to December 26, 2008

From: Banafsheh Find all posts by Banafsheh Send private message to Banafsheh
Date: Tue, 19-Dec-2023 3:21:43 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
December 12, 2008, came and passed and I interpreted the scenes as foreshadowing humiliation for the character of Kate. But this interpretation was not sudden and instant. The thought had been lingering in my mind since at least November of 2008 (and subconsciously before that). The thought that a humiliating story might be awaiting Kate. But I didn’t explicitly share this “insight” with other forum members (the Sonny and Kate message board – The Skateboard) until December 12, 2008. Until the fateful scenes aired.

The interpretation was made in the context of the story that was being told since at least the February of 2008; when Claudia entered the scene. And later with Carly. The idea being that the dynamic between Kate on the one hand and Carly and Claudia on the other hand was the context within which the humiliation of Kate would come about. The idea of “payback”. Payback because of how the three characters were defined in relation to each other. Kate having been defined as the “righteous” one and Carly and Claudia as “unworthy”.

The scenes aired and the interpretation was made.

There was a spoiler that, on December 19, 2008, Olivia would encourage Kate to go back to Sonny. The scenes never aired. The truce between Israel and Hamas ended on December 19, 2008, and the path of the story and history was changed.

On December 26, 2008, the first scenes of Robin’s wedding with Patrick aired.

On December 27, 2008, a war broke out between Hamas and Israel. A war codenamed “Operation Cast Lead”.

How did the story reach this point? There are many complicated reasons. In terms of the story, the most important was the dynamic between Kate, Carly, and Claudia and how Sonny “perceived them to be”. The story had been “simmering” for a while before it reached its climax in December.

In the year to come, we will review the story, its main arcs, and its many nuances. So that the truth about this story will be revealed.

December 19, 2023

The anniversary of December 19, 2008

P.S. There are other reasons of course.

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