General Hospital Message Board


Re: Wow! Such disregard. Shot and killed as the Friday cliffhanger and no

From: kll Find all posts by kll Send private message to kll
Date: Tue, 21-Nov-2023 9:02:17 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: ****Week of November 20th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Wow! Such disregard. Shot and killed as the Friday cliffhanger and no posted by Antwon
ITA -- it made no sense to have such a major, shocking death on Friday and not pick up on Monday.

I'm glad it was about Trina simply standing up for herself. She wasn't telling Spencer what he could or couldn't do. She simply stated what she needed.

As for Joshua -- I like the character and suspect this is pointing to a mental health/suicide storyline rather than a jealousy thing. Suicide would be more shocking, but it is short-term. An unsuccessful suicide attempt would be a good opportunity for a young adult mental health storyline, which could be very interesting if done well.

ITA about Finn’s malpractice suit. Love Liz, but have never found Finn particularly interesting.

I am so tired of hearing about how wrong it was for Drew to be found guilty of doing what Carl actually did! Drew gave Carly privileged information and when she told him she intended to use the information to buy stock to help drive up the price before the merger was announced -- Drew told her it was against the law. Carl CHOSE to do it anyway and Drew CHOSE to take the rap for her.

Yes the sentence was harsher than it should have been, but being sent to a low level prison was appropriate. Martha Stewart went to a low level prison for the same type of "crime" so why should Carly be exempt?

Karen L.

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